with a sparky red belly, although the
feathers around the feet, are white.
Their Latin name is, erithacus rubecula.
Robins are generally shy, but offering them
some cheese every now and then (just put it
in front of it) and it will eventually become used
to you and probably eat from your hand. They also
enjoy seeds and oatcakes (they are not literally cakes)
like most other birds.
They tend to nest in trees and bushes, like other birds.
But they strangely enjoy nesting in containers such as
flower pots. They are seen all around Europe, apart from
parts of the Mediterranean and the northern Scandinavian
coast. They can also be seen in the Azores and the Canary
Islands and parts of north Africa, eastwards of the middle of
Russia, Iran and Turkey. They like to nest in woodlands, forests,
woods, etc. Females and Males are identical, but juveniles have a
lightly speckled brown plumage and no red.